Thursday, June 3, 2010

The tragedy that changed my life.

My sister Anna was born to save my life. Anna went through several procedures, including frequent blood withdrawals and a painful bone marrow extraction, to help keep me alive. Anna then filed a law suit stating that she wanted to sue my parents for the right of her own body. The reason she filed the lawsuit because I told her to, my kidney was failing and I didn't want her to go through any surgeries. I knew that I was going to pass away sooner or later, and I was tired of being sick and waiting to die. Anna also admitted that while she loves me, part of her wanted me to die, too, so that she could have more freedom with her life. The judge decides to grant Anna medical release. As Campbell (Anna's lawyer) and Anna were leaving trial, they got into a serious car accident. At the hospital, the doctors tell the family that Anna has irreversible brain damage. Every time I hear this story, I cry, Anna's death was my fault and I wish I could bring her back.

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