Thursday, June 3, 2010


My family is definitely not a strong family; we continuously go up against each other. We are always dealing with the hardships surrounding our family, and can never get past them. My mom’s name is Sara. She is strong, stubborn, intelligent, and her life centers on her efforts to keep me alive. She is mostly focused on saving my life, and tends to forget to show how much she loves Anna and Jesse until it's too late. My dad Brian is a firefighter. He usually avoids our family problems and doesn't want to work them out. My brother Jesse is the oldest between me and Anna. You can pretty much say that he is a messed up child. He has a tough exterior and always is fighting for attention by acting out. Lastly, my sister Anna is smart, funny, and observant. She's helped me stay alive for so many years because her genes match mine. Anna’s role in my survival has been a blessing, and i love her so much. She is the reason why I'm still alive and she would do anything for me.

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